The KID COMBAT teaser trailer featurette is currently being edited in Baton Rouge, LA.

It was not without it’s scary moments.  We had a hard drive failure so we were unable to make a secondary copy before our director, Lisa Arnold, was able to board her flight.  In a bit of a panic, it was decided it was best to keep the working copy in Chicago, make copies, and then overnight a copy to our editing team in Baton Rouge.  I’m happy to report all went well and we have multiple copies of the footage.

Chris Helwink

So when do we get to see the trailer?

We are still hopeful the end of the month is a realistic timeframe. But, depending on the holidays, it may bleed into the first week of the year.

Chris Helwink

Is the event still on for December 21st?

The last I heard the event that was scheduled for December 21st that we were to be apart of is stuck in yet another delay. It’s okay, the real reason of this footage is to showcase what we are about and that we intend to do in full force in 2022.

Chris Helwink

Any sneak peaks for us?

As we get closer, I can guarantee you sneak peaks on all of the KID COMBAT socials.

Chris Helwink

Stay tuned as more news of the KID COMBAT trailer becomes available!




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